The Lattice (Official 3DHEALS Podcast)
Welcome to the Lattice podcast, the official podcast for 3DHEALS. This is where you will find fun but in-depth conversations (by founder Jenny Chen) with technological game-changers, creative minds, entrepreneurs, rule-breakers, and more. The conversations focus on how to use 3D technologies, like 3D printing and bioprinting, AR/VR, and In silico simulation, to reinvent healthcare and life sciences. This podcast will include AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, past Instagram Live interviews, press releases or updates from Pitch3D startups, select past virtual event recordings, and other direct engagements with our Tribe.
While there is no rule for our podcast content, the only rule we really follow is to provide our listeners with a maximized return on their attention and time investment.
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The Lattice (Official 3DHEALS Podcast)
Interview with CEO of Axolotl Biosciences, Prof. Stephanie Willerth: Bioprinting Brain and More
In this episode, I had the pleasure to chat with professor Stephanie Willerth at the University of Victoria, also the founder of Axolotl Biosciences.
Stephanie is not only an expert in bioprinting and bioinks in general, but also one of a few scientists in the world focusing on using 3D cell models on common but devastating neurological diseases such as GBM, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's Disease. We started with some basic concepts related to bioprinting, bioinks, organoids, and organ-on-a-chip, and some of the general current applications and ongoing researches. All of these technologies, however, require sophisticated bioink formulation to achieve structural and functional goals. Also, who are the major players in commercial bioprinting?
Other versions of this episode:
Past blog by prof. Willerth:
3D Bioprinting Glioblastoma Models for Drug Screening
3D Bioprinting Personalized Brain Tissues
About Our Guest:
Dr. Willerth holds a Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Victoria where she has dual appointments in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Division of Medical Sciences as an Associate Professor.
She serves as the Acting Director for the Centre for Biomedical Research at the University of Victoria and on the steering committee of the B.C. Regenerative Medicine Initiative. She also served as the President of the Canadian Biomaterials Society from 2017-2018. Her honors include being named the 2018 REACH award winner for Excellence in Undergraduate Research-inspired Teaching, a Woman of Innovation in 2017, one of the 2015 Young Innovators in Cellular and Biological Engineering, and a “Star in Global Health” by Grand Challenges Canada in 2014. She spent the Fall of 2016 on sabbatical at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery supported by the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries International Travel Award where she wrote her book “Engineering neural tissue using stem cells” published by Academic Press.
She completed her postdoctoral work at the University of California-Berkeley after receiving her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University. Her undergraduate degrees were in Biology and Chemical Engineer
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